How to Find and Work with Voiceover Artists

The rise in popularity of audio content continues unabated and voiceover artists play a crucial role in bringing this content - whether videos, commercials, audiobooks, and other media - to life. Their ability to convey emotion, draw in listeners, and deliver messages effectively makes them invaluable. (Yes, AI is increasingly an option, but the more nuanced the performance, the more your preference may run to the human option). If you’re looking to hire a professional voiceover artist for your project, this guide may lend some assistance in helping you through this process.

Voiceover Sound Landscape

1. Identifying Your Needs

Before you start searching for a voiceover artist, it’s essential to define your project’s requirements. Determine the type of voice you need (e.g. gender, age, accent), the tone (e.g. friendly, authoritative, conversational), and any specific linguistic or cultural requirements. Making a decisive initial choice is of course valid, but also be open to the possibilities of making a choice that runs counter to the norm or expectations so as to maximize impact.

Voiceover Emporium

2. Researching Voiceover Artists

Once you know what you’re looking for, research voiceover artists. Look for professionals with experience in your industry or niche, as they will likely have a better understanding of your target audience and how to connect with them. Consider using online marketplaces- CastVoices is one of the newest platforms - as well agents who specialize in representing voiceover actors to find a wide range of talent. With voice artists now expected to have their own home recording studios, this has tremendously enlarged the pool of available talent who can help meet your needs regardless of their geographic location.

Voiceover Demos

3. Listening to Demos

Voiceover artists typically provide demos showcasing their voice and range. Listen to these demos to get a sense of their style, tone, and versatility. Pay attention to how well their voice matches your project’s needs and whether they can convey the emotions and nuances required. Versatility in performance is of course an asset.

Voiceover Vetting

4. Vetting Voiceover Talent

In addition to demos, review the voiceover artist’s website, portfolio and any testimonials or reviews from past clients. These can convey an effective impression of their professionalism, reliability, and ability to deliver high-quality work. Artists having representation with talent agencies inspire even greater credibility since they have already been vetted by industry experts, as does any technical information about the actor’s recording studio, and their ability to facilitate remote recording using Source Connect or any of the industry’s other standards.

Voiceover Outreach

5. Contacting Potential Artists

Once you’ve narrowed your list of potential voiceover artists, contact them with details about your project. Provide them with a brief overview of the project, including the script, tone, and any instructions or requirements regarding specific pronunciations. If possible, provide audio references for the broader project whether it be a scratch recording of how you envision the sound and pace of the recording or previously produced content that’s of the same intended ilk. 

Technical references aside, you may want to have a brief online conference call to connect with the actor and have your choice validated by the online contact. As always, pay attention to their body language and listen to your instincts.

Voiceover Auditions

6. Requesting Auditions

For larger projects or if you’re unsure about a voiceover artist’s suitability, consider requesting auditions. Ask them to record a portion of your final script to see how well they interpret the material and how their voice sounds in context. (Note that recordings should not begin unless the script has been finalized and approved). Should the initial audition sample not fit your needs, provide direction so that the performance can be adjusted. Hopefully, the second sample will satisfy. If not, don’t be afraid to make the right call for the sake of the project whether that means recording additional takes or selecting another voiceover resource.

Voiceover Contracting

7. Negotiating Rates and Terms

Before finalizing terms, discuss rates and terms with the voiceover artist. Rates are determined based on a combination of the artist’s session fee, usage of the voice content (for example, broadcast vs non-broadcast) and length of use. If necessary, familiarize yourself on industry rates - the GVAA rate guide is just one such resource. Clarify the scope of work, deadlines, revisions policy, and any additional fees or expenses. Make sure both parties are clear on expectations to avoid misunderstandings. 

Finalizing terms can be as simple as including all relevant provisions in an email on which both parties agree, but a common practice is using an agreed-upon contract. If you supply the contract, be open to edits that an artist requests to negotiate especially if it contains what may considered over-reaching terms regarding AI or machine-learning use.

Thumbs-Up on Voiceover Performance

8. Approving the Final Recording

After the voiceover artist has completed the recording, listen to the final product and approve it only if you’re satisfied with the result. If necessary, request specific revisions to ensure the voiceover meets your expectations.

Building Voiceover Resources

9. Building a Long-Term Relationship

If it’s not broken, don’t fix it. To the extent that a voiceover artist meets your needs, and consistently exhibits professionalism and a sense of team spirit, consider building a long-term relationship with them. A reliable and talented voiceover artist can become a valuable asset for future projects, and may be your last line of defense by catching any script errors be they misspellings or words that may be confusing or ambiguous.

In conclusion, finding and working with a professional voiceover artist can greatly enhance the quality and impact of your multimedia projects. By following these steps and taking the time to find the right talent, you can create compelling and engaging content that resonates with your audience.


Crafting Emotional Connections via Voiceover


Do's and Don’ts of Integrating Voiceovers in Multimedia Content